'We will continue to fight against impunity policies' 2024-09-23 13:09:12 AMED - Reacting against the murder of trans woman Sudenaz, Amed Network for Struggle Against Violence Components stated that they will continue to struggle against impunity policies.  The Amed Network for Struggle Against Violence made a statement in front of Diyarbakır Courthouse regarding the murder of Sudenaz U., who was murdered on September 14th. Making the statement, Atalay Göçer, a member of the Association for Cultural Research for Peace, reminded that Sudenaz U. was attacked with a sharp instrument in Peyas (Kayapınar) district of Amed (Diyarbakır) on the night of September 14 and Sudenaz U. was wounded in the heart and G. was wounded in the leg. Reminding that Sudenaz U. lost her life on the morning of September 15, “This incident is a hate murder and a manifestation of the rising wave of violence against LGBTI+'s” Göçer said.     HATE SPEECH   Göçer reminded that immediately after the murder, a rally called “Büyük Aile Buluşması” (Big Family Gathering) was organized, which was promoted by state-sponsored media organs, and that “hate” rhetoric was expressed at this rally, claiming that it was “against LGBT propaganda”.    'STRUGGLE AGAINST POLICIES OF IMPUNITY'    Göçer said: “While the pain of Sudenaz's death was still fresh, we received the news that another trans friend of ours, G.E., was subjected to extortion and torture. The fact that these two incidents took place within a week reveals the decay of the conscience of society and the seriousness of the increasing violence against LGBTQ+s. As LGBTQ+ persons and human rights defenders, we reject this order where hatred and violence are normalized. We will continue to defend the rights of Sudenaz, G., G. E. and LGBTQ+s, especially trans women, who are subjected to hate crimes and hate murders, and we will continue to fight against the state's unjust provocation discount and impunity policies.”    Calling on all social opposition to take responsibility against hate crimes, Göçer said that they will continue to raise their voices for solidarity, justice and equality against hate.