HDP goes on to a stronger agreement with the 4th Ordinary Congress 2020-02-23 08:57:35 ANKARA - HDP aims to be renewed in accordance with the declaration announced on November 20, 2019 and its call for "early elections", by leaving its "make win or make lose" position at its congress today. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) 4th Ordinary Grand Congress will be held in Ankara Sports Hall. Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar will be nominated for the co-chairs of the party at the congress, where the new term politics and the competent boards of the party will be formed.   The Congress wants to make an output aiming the administration of Turkey. The congress taking place at a time when the region is being reshaped, will kick off with the slogan 'We are walking towards the future'.   HDP which is a part of Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) was established on October 15, 2012 on the basis of a congress party.    Many political parties representing the Kurdish political movement and Turkey's Revolutionary movement, all religious and ethnic minorities, ecology movements, women, individuals with independent youth organizations took part in it.    Yavuz Önen and Fatma Gök were the founding co-chairs of the HDP.   HDP 1st Extraordinary Congress was held on October 27, 2013. Sebahat Tuncel and Ertuğrul Kürkçü were elected as Co-Chairpersons at this congress.   At a time when Gezi protests marked the day, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan sent a message to the party, congatulating the party which held its first congress with the slogan 'This is just the beginning'.   Öcalan stated the following regarding HDP: “The establishment of the Peoples' Democratic Party has a historical significance as much as the partying decision we took after the martyrdom of Haki Karer in our struggle history. The HDP marks an important historical turn in our struggle for democracy. In our struggle, the accumulation and experience of years will inevitably evolve into radical democracy, and see the accumulation and energy that will replace the elitist and conformist politics, which will replace the common organization based on the people. 71 revolutionary movement was a revolt against the state. It is important to negotiate with the state after 40 years. Because revolutionary struggles can turn into permanent human peace only through qualified negotiations. Question, authority, and decision-making mechanisms of neighborhood streets and city councils will evolve to new experiences will be based on a participatory and democratic Turkey will assume a major role in reality.  In this respect, I congratulate the congress with the wish of assuming you to carry this historical trust that I always feel on my shoulders with a new understanding, and send my revolutionary greetings with the wishes of great success."   HDP 2nd Ordinary Congress convened on 22 June 2014. Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş were elected as HDP Co-Chairs.     JUNE 7 VICTORY   Starting out as a party of Turkey, HDP participated in the June 7, 2015 elections as a part and won over 13 percent of the votes, gaining representation in every region of Turkey. The election results also ended AKP's rule by itself.   After this process, systematic pressures and violence against HDP increased.   HDP participated in the 1 November 2015 elections under an overwhelming pressure and went to the parliament with 10.8 percent of the votes.    In the following period, 12 MPs with HDP, including Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, were arrested on 4 November 2016.   Serpil Kemalbay Pekgözegü and Selahattin Demirtaş were elected as Co-Chairs of the party in the 3rd Extraordinary Congress, which was held on February 3, 2017, due to the dropping out of the membership of HDP Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ.   Existing Co-Chairpersons Sezai Temelli and Pervin Buldan have been on duty since the 3rd Ordinary Congress on February 11, 2018.   AIMS TO RULE TURKEY   HDP have become the third biggest party in Turkey following the June 24 2018 elections, recieving the 11.7 percent of the votes. HDP played a key role in the March 31 local elections and June 23 Istanbul elections with the strategy of "winning in Kurdistan, and making AKP lose in the west."   HDP aims to abandon its position of 'making lose and making win' with the congress to be held today.   HDP will undergo a renewal in line with the declaration announced on November 20, 2019 and the call for "early elections".   HDP is going to make a stronger decision in the congress as part of its targeted alliance for democracy.