Peace Mothers determined to demand 'freedom' 2024-05-17 13:39:09   WAN - Peace Mothers in Wan stated that they will continue their struggle until they receive news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and asked for the prisoners to embrace the action they continue to demand "freedom".   Political prisoners in prisons took their hunger strike, which they started on November 27, 2023, demanding "freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue" to a different stage on April 4. Prisoners boycot the courts since and not to make phone calls or meet with their families. Relatives of prisoners are also organizing various protests and events in many cities with similar demands.   'WE WILL NOT GIVE UP'   Peace Mother Xurşê Turgut, who has been participating in the Justice Watch since the first day in Wan, said: "We started the watch for our children. Our children have now taken a new action and the hunger strike action has moved to a new dimension. We will never give up our cause. This isolation policy imposed on us must end now. To achieve this, first of all, the isolation against Mr. Öcalan must be abolished. The isolation on us will not be abolished until the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan is abolished. Everyone with a conscience must protect their children. We want support for the actions we started in front of courthouses, prisons and AKP buildings."   'WE WILL CONTINUE OUR STRUGGLE'   “We want everyone to support the actions initiated by our children” said Peace Mother Perişan Aslan and added, “Our prisoners have now entered a new period. We want them to end the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan and the subsequent isolation that covers all of us. We will continue the fight until we hear from Mr. Öcalan."   'WE WILL SHOUT OUR VOICE LOUDER'   Stating that their only demand is peace, Mother of Peace Kewê Işık said: “Mr. Öcalan's freedom must be ensured. We will not give up our cause. We will shout louder for freedom everywhere.”