Free Women’s Movement (TJA) meeting concluded, Ayşe Gökkan elected as new spokeswoman 2020-02-02 19:34:34 DİYARBAKIR - TJA's "3rd Women's Meeting" has come to conclusion. Ayşe Gökkan was elected as the spokeswoman for TJA. The "3rd Women's Meeting" organized by the Free Women Movement (TJA-Tevgera Jinên Azad) in Diyarbakır with the slogan "We are women, we exist for our freedom, we are standing for change" has ended. Nearly 700 delegates attended the women’s meeting. ISOLATION AND ITS REFLECTIONS DISCUSSED On the first day Meeting, the discussed topics were listed as follows: the associations of women's organizations in Turkey, TJA’s organization, diplomacy studies of TJA and cooperating with the women’s associations in Turkey. In the second day, how the women around the world evaluates TJA, how to grow women’s struggle, the importance of mother-language and isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the reflections of this isolation were discussed. DECLARATION OF CONCLUSION TO BE ANNOUNCED While the isolation in the prisons, attacks on women's POLİTİCAL GAİNS and women's organization issues came to the front in the agenda of the meeting, it was stated that the declaration of conclusion of the women's meeting will be announced in the upcoming days. Ayşe Gökkan was elected as the spokeswoman for TJA. The enthusiastic meeting of women was concluded with the slogans of “Jin Jiyan Azadi” / “Woman Life Freedom”.