Abdullah Öcalan: Must organize against Kurdish Hamas

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  • 13:23 10 January 2024
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NEWS CENTER - PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who evaluated Hizbullah's organization in Kurdistan as "AKP's policy of creating the Kurdish Hamas", warned: "Our people must be alert against them and develop a tremendous organization."
The Free Cause Party (Hüda-Par), with which the People's Alliance formed an alliance in the May 14, 2023 elections based on anti-Kurdism, and which former Minister of Internal Affairs and AKP Istanbul Deputy Süleyman Soylu called "state wisdom" and a strategic move, is on the agenda with its activities in the region. Hüda-Par, which started to mobilize again with the alliance made within the scope of the election, started to hold rallies in many cities with the support of the AKP after the war broke out with the attack carried out by Hamas against Israel on October 7. Hüda-Par, an extension of Hizbullah known for its massacres of Kurds in the 1990s, is being reorganized as a strategic move by the government.
This policy of the government reminded us of the evaluations and warnings made by PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in his meetings with lawyers in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, where he is held in severe isolation conditions in previous years. Stating that the AKP was trying to create the Kurdish Hamas, Abdullah Öcalan warned that this was a part of the liquidation plans of the Kurds.
It reminded of the attacks of Hizbullah, an extension of Hamas, which carried out the attack that led to the re-breakout of the Israeli-Palestinian war. Stating that this situation is a continuation of Political Islam and that it is continued today with the AKP, Abdullah Öcalan underlined that Hizbullah, which massacred thousands of Kurds, is not independent of them. Emphasizing that these relations should be well explained to the public, the PKK Leader said in his lawyer meeting on September 13, 2007: “We should not forget the brutality that took place. Didn't they kill thousands of poor Kurd public-hearted in Diyarbakır by approaching people from behind and using an ax or shooting a single bullet into their necks? If they let us, they would brutally murder us all. First, they murdered left Kemalists such as Bahriye Üçok and Uğur Mumcu. Later, the state - and I do not want to put the entire state under suspicion - used it against the Kurds, especially in 1992, as Hizbul-kontra (Hizbullah), through some governors and garrison commanders. For example, this is what the Governor of Batman did. In its decision given years later, the Diyarbakır Court stated how flawed this method was. Even the court found this unacceptable. Our people must be alert to these dangers.”
Stating that the state turned a blind eye to Hizbullah's attacks, Abdullah Öcalan said in the meeting dated September 19, 2007: "They were pushed against us as Hizbul-kontra in the past. They massacred thousands of patriots. The state turned a blind eye to them. Today, even the courts say that this attitude is wrong. They say we made a mistake in using Hizbullah. This team today is no different from Hizbul-kontra; The goal is liquidation. AKP is trying to create the Kurdish Hamas. They did not call Hamas and hold talks in vain. Just as Hamas liquidated the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), they want to make the PKK suffer the same fate as the PLO." 
Abdullah Öcalan noted that they wanted to fill the gap that would arise in the region with the liquidation of the PKK with the Kurdish Hamas and stated that this would be done by the AKP in the meeting dated 27 December 2007. The PKK Leader emphasized that this is a deadlock and said: "But our policy is the most reasonable policy that will provide a solution."
The PKK Leader stated that Hizbullah was first organized under the Knowledge Community (İlim Cemiyeti) and then split into two, and in the meeting dated January 9, 2008, said: "First they were ten people, then they became hundreds, thousands of people and they slaughtered the people of Diyarbakır with cleavers. Now they are more numerous and more dangerous. They first supported and used Velioğlu, and his later situation is also known. They can do a good job by mobilizing all Diyarbakir forces. Those who do politics on behalf of Diyarbakır should explain this."
Expressing that Hamas has nothing to do with Islam, Abdullah Öcalan said the following in the meeting held on January 21, 2009: “Hamas, why are you firing two missiles for provocative purposes? Do you have power? No. Does Israel have power, does it have powerful weapons? There is. Then you are not serving Islam, you are serving something else. Is this how war for Islam happens? Prophet Muhammed's wars like this? Ali's wars like this? No. Prophet Muhammed and Ali's wars have a lofty purpose, a revolutionary character, and an ideological content. Hamas's war is only for their own power. I do not call this anti-Islam. Theirs is power-Islam. They use Islam for their own power. I am not praising Israel here; my analysis and thoughts about Israel are known. I say this to understand their understanding and purpose. So is AKP. AKP's understanding of Islam is power-Islam. They have nothing to do with true Islam. This understanding of Islam was created later. They use Islam to establish their own power and to stay in power. They use religion to make more money and stay in power. Iran's understanding of Islam is the same. They use Islam to consolidate their power and stay in power."
Pointing out that Hizbullah is mobilizing again in the region, Abdullah Öcalan made the following warnings in the meeting dated September 9, 2009: "They may mobilize again and start killings in the region. As you know, they destroyed Silvan before in the 90s. These are fascists, murderers. They hit you from behind, you don't even know. Our people must be alert against these and develop a tremendous organization.”
Underlining that the organizations in Kurdistan are the unarmed form of Hizbullah, Abdullah Öcalan made the following warnings in the meeting dated November 1, 2010: “This is very serious, they constitute the unarmed Hizbullah. Over time, their use of Islam for their own purposes may become very dangerous. AKP's aim is to create its own Hamas. If Hamas-style organizations take over the region, they will no longer be able to control it and they will not only try to liquidate us, they may take the entire region under their control. They did the same in Palestine, how did they take power from al-Fatah? Haven't you seen what this Hamas mentality is doing in Palestine? In the process of seizing power, they threw people off the tops of buildings. The same process is wanted to be repeated in the region. These have nothing to do with religion. They are trying to do this with fake Islam."
Stating that Hizbullah is a small part of the organization he defines as "deep", Abdullah Öcalan pointed out the deep power and plans behind it. In the meeting dated February 2, 2011, the PKK Leader said: “The main aim of the AKP is liquidation. This is clear and obvious. So far they have not been able to liquidate the Kurds with classical methods, now they are developing new methods. These are new genocide policies. Here, a part of the army does not want war, they are tired of war, they have become heavy and cumbersome, they cannot fight the war they want with them, they are forming a more active private army of 50 thousand people, and they will pay one and a half or two billion salaries to each of them. They also send an army of 15 thousand imams to the region, and these are not imams in the classical sense, they are special officials. I guess new police stations are being established as well. Didn't they set up a mercenary army, didn't they appoint special imams, didn't they evacuate Hizbullah and create reserve forces? The liquidation of the Kurds is being carried out in various ways."
MA / Özgür Paksoy

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