Tuncel: The concept of 'terrorism' in the Kurdish issue must be overcome

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  • 15:53 24 January 2024
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ANKARA - Sebahat Tuncel said: "Imrali is the epicenter of the AKP's anti-Kurd policy," and emphasized that the understanding of the Kurdish issue in the context of "terrorism" must be overcome. Tuncel said: "There is a need for a new social contract that will recognize the existence of the Kurds."
With the deepening polarization in domestic politics and the nation-state understanding in the Middle East becoming increasingly irreconcilable, the AKP-MHP alliance is trying to maintain their power through war politics. The Kurdish issue, which is expressed as the main cause of all ongoing social and political crises in Turkey and has been left "unsolved" throughout the century-long history of the Republic, makes itself felt clearly in every election atmosphere. In such an environment, the people of Turkey and Kurdistan are preparing for the Local Elections that will take place on March 31, 2024. Elections are being held in an environment where the state of absolute lack of communication (incommunicado) introduced by the AKP-MHP alliance against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan on İmralı Island has been transformed into "social isolation".
Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-chair Sebahat Tuncel, who was arrested in 2016 for political genocide operations against Kurd politicians who were a part of these policies of the government, stated that the Kurdish issue, which has become global today, cannot be solved with the old understanding and methods, and underlined that the understanding of "terrorism" must be overcome. Pointing out that the epicenter of the AKP government's anti-Kurd policy is İmralı Island, Tuncel emphasized the need for a peace movement in Turkey.
Sebahat Tuncel answered Mezopotamya Agency's questions about the Kobanê Case, where she is still in detention, the Imrali isolation, the lack of solution to the Kurdish issue, and current developments in the Middle East.
What will the government gain with the "decision" that will be revealed soon in the Kobanê Case trial, which you describe as a "revenge case"? What will be the consequences of this decision for you and the Kurds?
Everyone knows the fact that the Kobanê Incident is a conspiracy case, designed by the government to eliminate the Kurds and socialist opposition. It is also seen from the public statements that a trial, the outcome of which is clear at the beginning, was not made by the decisions of a fair and independent judiciary, and that the real decision was made by Erdoğan and Bahçeli. That the judiciary is not independent, that it has been turned into a tool by the political power to implement their own policies, is seen in the developments that followed, most recently the failure to recognize the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding Şerafettin Can Atalay by the local court and the Supreme Court. It goes without saying that the decisions taken by the judicial mechanism when it comes to the Kurds are in line with the Kurd policy of the AKP-MHP-Ergenekon alliance. 
Everyone living in Turkey knows that the legislative, executive and judicial powers in Turkey are concentrated in one hand, and that the independence of the judiciary is nothing but a lie, and that is why they do not trust the judiciary. Judicial independence has turned into a slogan to cover up the truth. The situation that the Turkish judiciary has fallen into has led to the fact that Turkey did not object to unlawful acts and turned a blind eye to injustice, which over time led to the spread of this unlawfulness to the entire society. The politicization of the judiciary has also deepened the crisis of the regime. As revealed in the Kobanê Case, the Constitution and international court decisions are arbitrarily suspended in line with the demands of the government. Judicial ethics has disappeared, the trial is carried out formally. Now the purpose of the trial is to hide the truth.
Courts in Turkey have been far from providing justice for a very long time. The Turkish judiciary, like Nazi Germany, is discriminatory and tends to see Kurd identity as a danger and threat.
Another aspect of the Kobanê trial is the targeting of our women's freedom line. The fact that women's studies, co-chairship, equal representation and the fight against violence against women are subject to trial is related to the government's view of our women's freedom line as dangerous and an obstacle to their own survival. In short, the courts in Turkey have been far from providing justice for a very long time. The Turkish judiciary, like Nazi Germany, is discriminatory and tends to see Kurd identity as a danger and threat. The racial ideology that dominated the legal theory of Nazi Germany also manifests itself in today's Turkey. The trials of Kurds and Kurd politicians, the trustee regime, and the closure of Kurd parties and institutions are the results of this "race-based" approach. Kurds are excluded from constitutional citizenship. Kurd identity, culture and geography have come to be expressed with the prefix "so-called". The duty of law is, in the words of Joseph Gobbels, “The state must remove and completely destroy their internal enemies in the most efficient way. The idea that the judge must be convinced of the defendant's guilt must be completely abandoned. The purpose of the law is the survival of the state.”
In Turkey, Kurds were declared enemies for the survival of the state, and the law was seen as a way to defeat the enemy. The Kobanê Case is also a part of this. Whatever decision is made will be political. Maybe this much can be written off as a "gain" for the government, but it is a loss for democracy and the peoples of Turkey. It will mean the elimination of the democratic legal order, social peace and peace opportunities. Our Democratic, Ecological, Women's Libertarian policy and our people's struggle for equality and freedom are resolutely defended against the attacks carried out by the government against the Kurds through the judiciary. The line of resistance and the stance against fascism are well seen by both the state and our people. Regardless of the decision in the case, we must defend our position, our principles and our struggle without compromising; It will bring benefits to people and women.
In addition to the Imrali isolation, the AKP government insists on continuing their policy of "no solution" in Kurdistan with war politics and diplomatic initiatives. For this reason, Kurd politics is being shaped around Imrali with the global campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue". When you evaluate this process as a whole, what awaits Turkey?
The epicenter of the AKP government's anti-Kurd policy is Imrali. The absolute isolation and isolation policy implemented on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, the continuation of the war policy; Stifling the demands for peace and freedom means continuing to update the understanding of denial, destruction and assimilation. With the hunger strikes launched in prisons, it is pointed out that the solution to the Kurdish issue, the democratization of Turkey and peace can only be achieved through the freedom of Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, and a call is made to pave the way for peace by ending the Imrali torture system, to raise public awareness and to call on the government to take steps. We are trying to open the door and pave the way for a solution by writing petitions to the Ministry of Justice, the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission and international institutions.
What impact will the response to Abdullah Öcalan's demand for freedom have on the Kurdish issue as well as the general democratization process in Turkey? Of course, while evaluating this, it is necessary to talk about the current stage of the Kurdish issue. In summary, is the Kurdish issue only the issue of the Kurds?
The mentality that remembers the Kurds during election processes and ignores them outside of that and treats the Kurdish issue in the context of "terrorism", has to be overcome.
While one aspect of the deadlock on the Kurdish issue in Turkey is the government's anti-Kurd war policy, the other aspect is that the Turkish people who want peace in Turkey and defend coexistence with the Kurds based on equal and free citizenship do not speak out enough. The cry for peace and the demands for a solution come unilaterally from the Kurds. Of course, I do not ignore the socialists who are in solidarity with the Kurds and defend the Kurds' right to self-determination, but the limited power of socialists and the fact that social democrats and conservative groups place the issue in the context of "terrorism" prevent the solution of the issue. Currently, while the Israeli people object to the Israeli government's war policy of Netanyahu and demand peace by taking to the streets, remaining silent against the oppression and persecution policies carried out by the government in Turkey against the Kurds, and sometimes even taking the same stage, causes the government to perpetuate these policies.
There is a need for a strong peace movement in Turkey. The mentality that remembers the Kurds during election processes and ignores them outside of that and treats the Kurdish issue in the context of "terrorism", must be overcome. Otherwise, the fascist government will maintain theirself through the policy of polarizing society through hostility towards Kurds. Historical, social and political developments clearly show that the socialist movement, feminist movement and class movement have no chance of leading the Turkish society without peace as one of their main agendas, without opposing the anti-Kurd policies of the government and without prioritizing the solution of the Kurdish issue. A socialist movement that sees the Kurdish issue as the issue of the Kurds has no chance of success. It is not possible to engage in class politics by ignoring the Kurds, Alevis and women, who make up 1/3 of Turkey's population. Establishing a common future necessitates the struggle to solve the issue.
In this context, when we look at the isolation regime in Imrali, it is an obstacle to social peace, democracy and freedom in Turkey. I think that it is an important but incomplete approach for friends in Turkey to treat this issue as the issue of the Kurds and the demand of the Kurds and to keep themselves in a state of solidarity. I see the approach of not seeing the policy of isolation and isolation as a part of war policies, not taking responsibility, and seeing it as an issue between the Kurds and the state, as one of the most fundamental obstacles to the socialization of the left. I think that asking our friends to put the isolation regime and the trustee regime on the agenda will be decisive in the democratization of Turkey and the future of the working class and the poor people of Turkey and Kurdistan. Treating class fellowship only as the fellowship of Turkish workers and ignoring the identity issue of Kurdish workers has narrowed the class movement. Leaving the solution of the Kurdish issue to the mercy of the government and placing the entire burden of the issue on the shoulders of the Kurds does not suit the socialist struggle. In short, a "peace movement" that will develop under the leadership of the forces of democracy and freedom in Turkey, the feminist movement and the ecology movement will bring victory to the people of Turkey, defeat fascism and accelerate the construction of the Democratic Republic. 
A new election is being held. On the one hand, there is the AKP-MHP alliance's insistence on a deadlock in the Kurdish issue, and on the other hand, there is the CHP, which will enter the elections with its new administration and has an "unsafe" approach for the Kurds based on its experience in the last general elections. What strategy should the DEM Party pursue?
It must not be forgotten that just as it is not possible for the Republic to be established without the Kurds, it is also not possible for it to be democratized and overcome the economic and political crisis without the Kurds.
Despite all the pressure and difficult policies of the state, the Kurds are struggling to protect their existence, identity, culture and language. The organized struggle of the Kurds has led to partial gains in the development of democracy, equality and freedoms. The Kurd political movement's women's liberation line, ecological perspective, and democratic autonomous government model will determine the future not only of the Kurds, but also of the people they live with in Turkey and the Middle East. The Kurd political movement reveals the possibility of developing solutions and creating an alternative system with the participation of women and young people in areas where their ideology and politics have been left unresolved by capitalist modernity. The conclusion to be drawn here is the fact that Kurds have a key role in some areas. The position of the Kurds must be considered strategically in the Middle East. The state is also aware of this. As I stated in my previous evaluations, the Turkish state wants to build the Second Republic without Kurds and make a Constitution without Kurds.
The approach of CHP, the founding party of the Republic, to the Kurdish issue is also problematic. It carries the century-old crisis within itself and has a pragmatic, election-oriented approach to the Kurds. It does not have a different strategy than other state parties (AKP-MHP-IP) regarding the demands for recognition of Kurdish identity, self-determination of the Kurds, Kurdish being the language of education and solving similar issues. This state of the social democracy line was decisive in the failure of the solution to develop in Turkey. Since the relationships established during election processes are tactical, unreliable, self-interested, current and temporary, they do not lead to radical change. In order for a solution to be achieved, the nationalist, religious and militarist mentality created in Turkey must be overcome and the Kurdish issue must be discussed without prejudice for peace. It must not be forgotten that just as it is not possible for the Republic to be established without the Kurds, it is also not possible for it to be democratized and overcome the economic and political crisis without the Kurds. Throughout history, whoever stood side by side and formed an alliance with the Kurds won. Organized institutions and political parties of the Kurds must also act with this reality.
While the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) undertakes the responsibility and organization of developing local democracy, determining the Kurds' own destiny and ensuring Kurdish national unity, the struggle to build the Democratic Republic based on the equality and freedom of the people of Turkey in the light of the democratic nation perspective must be carried out simultaneously with the DEM Party. While finding solutions to the issues of the people of Kurdistan with the DBP, finding solutions to the issues of the people of Turkey with the DEM Party will provide us with a dual management approach based on the democratic participatory management approach that will allow women and young people to participate in management. I think that an organized struggle must be based on an organized struggle with the people, not against the people, and developing politics together with the people every day and every hour, not going to the people with an election index, is important in the socialization of democracy.
You pointed out that the biggest obstacle to democracy is the Kurdish issue. How to find a solution to the Kurdish issue?
There is a need for the state to recognize the existence and will of the Kurds, a libertarian Constitution based on equal rights, and a new social contract that will recognize the existence of the people of Turkey, especially the Kurds, and secure their rights. 
Dialogue and negotiation are always needed for the solution of the Kurdish issue. However, this cannot happen with the old understanding and method. There is a need for the state to recognize the existence and will of the Kurds, a libertarian Constitution based on equal rights, and a new social contract that will recognize the existence of the people of Turkey, especially the Kurds, and secure their rights. What will determine what the solution will be depends on the Kurds and those who want peace turning themselves into a power. One of the most important points that emerged during the dialogue process carried out between 2013 and 2015; The process cannot be carried out without being open, transparent and legally secured. The state has always approached the Kurdish issue within the framework of secret plans. State, Instead of solving the issue from Eastern Reform to the Collapse Plan, it put into effect the denial, destruction and assimilation plan. The secret agenda of the state was the determining factor in the failure of the most recent process called "Solution Process". To hide this fact, AKP is making propaganda that the Kurds finished the process.
It is understood from the fact that the AKP aims to liquidate the Kurdish political movement by instrumentalizing the people's demand for peace, as the Collapse Plan was put into effect while the dialogue and negotiations were continuing. The government overturned the table when it could not get the results it wanted in the dialogue and negotiation process. Negotiations for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue have been stuck in the state's policy of deadlock and secret plans since 1993, and those who sincerely strived for a solution have been liquidated. In order for a new era to begin in the Kurdish issue and for permanent peace to be achieved, the issue must first be defined correctly and discussed in the context of the "freedoms and rights" issue, apart from the concept of "terrorism". As long as the issue is defined as a "terrorism" issue, it is not possible for a real solution process to begin, and even if it does, it will not be successful.
Elections are approaching. DEM Party, which was criticized for their election strategy on May 14, determines their candidates through primary elections and city consensus. How do you, from the inside, find the DEM Party's strategy for the local elections to be held on March 31, 2024?
Election processes are important for political parties. These are the processes that measure whether the political program is supported by the public and how much the principles they advocates are socialized. Parties review and restructure themselves according to election results. It is one of the important tools of democracy, but different tools and methods are also needed for democracy. In Turkey, the understanding that reduces democracy to the ballot box is unfortunately one of the most fundamental obstacles to democracy. It is true that, as the Kurdish political movement, we have systematically faced state violence since 2015, and that we have not entered the elections on equal terms due to party closures, trustee regimes and political genocide operations. It has also had an impact on our understanding of politics.
But the important thing is to correctly understand the message given by the public. The election process has been stimulating for us in every aspect. At a time when the people in Turkey needed democracy, the party's demand for democracy and providing the necessary opportunities for the people to have a say and decide was met in local election campaigns. In order for local democracy to develop and democracy to be established, the people's ability to have a say and decide and the opportunity to participate in the control mechanism must continue. Parties that internalize the culture of democracy will also lead the development of social democracy.
The government's deadlock policies, pressures on the Kurds, attacks from the Federated Kurdistan Region to Northern and Eastern Syria... What kind of a period awaits the Kurds, what should they do?
It is a historical necessity for the people of Kurdistan, whose geography and mental world are fragmented, to be in solidarity with their own people and achieve national unity to in their future.
In Turkey, the Kurdish issue is being consciously criminalized, hiding behind the rhetoric of "I am fighting against terrorism", the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Kurds are being eliminated, and the Federated Kurdistan Region and the lands of Northern and Eastern Syria are occupied. During the dissolution of empires and the construction of nation states, the geography of Kurdistan was divided into four by the imperialists and turned into a center of constant conflict and war. The way out of this situation for the Kurds, who are faced with the oppression and coercive policies of the nation states of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey, is possible by ensuring their national unity and developing their national consciousness. Wherever Kurds live, it is essential that they fight for their rights and freedoms. When we look at historical developments, the basis of the Kurds' current situation is related to the use of their fragmented stance by the rulers.
Kurds were pitted against each other. Currently, the KDP-Turkey relationship is used as a tool to achieve success in Turkey's political/cultural genocide against Kurds living in Turkey. While the Federated Kurdistan administration must have said "no" to Turkey's anti-Kurd war policy and must have been in solidarity with the Kurds - they themselves went through a similar process in Iraq and fought against Saddam - they supported the AKP-MHP-Ergenekon fascist alliance. means being complicit in the oppression and genocide against the Kurds. The people of Kurdistan, of course, see that these developments are based on the KDP's interests. This collaborative line endangers the gains of the Kurds all over the world.
As we enter the 21st century, it is a historical necessity for the people of Kurdistan, whose geography and mental world are fragmented, to be in solidarity with their own people and achieve national unity to win their future. The gain of Rojava, Rojhilat, Bakur and Bashur people is the gain of all Kurds. For peace in the Middle East, peace among the Kurds is necessary first. Of course, the Kurdish issue cannot be solved only with local dynamics. The issue has gained an international dimension and international powers play a major role in the insolvency of the issue. It is important that these forces are at least prevented from becoming an obstacle to the solution. This requires intense diplomatic work. The solution of the Kurdish issue also has a critical role in ensuring peace and democracy in the Middle East.
However, the war in the Middle East is deepening, and its last link was the re-breakout of the war between Israel and Hamas. What consequences will the nation states' plans to redesign the Middle East have for the people?
Israel's occupation of Palestine and the latest conflicts between Hamas and Israel revealed the risk of the war spreading to the Middle East. Although no one apparently wants to be part of a regional war, they are positioning themselves ready for war. It is not in vain that warships are deployed in the Red Sea. The risk of the war spreading to the entire Middle East is a serious threat to the people. The important thing is that the war does not start; it is a known fact that when it starts, it will cause great destruction and how long it will last is unknown. Moreover, the Middle East is already a geography where conflict and crisis occur constantly. Recent developments show that some powers want to draw Iran into war. It is no secret that imperialist powers, especially the USA, want to control Iran, but it seems that Iran and the USA are not willing to enter a hot war. Of course, Turkey's situation is also important here. Turkey wants to use the Middle East war for their own benefit. Turkey's anti-Kurd policy and their relations with jihadist groups have been effective in isolating itself in the Middle East and leaving it out of the equation. Turkey will not hesitate to play a disruptive role to re-enter the equation.
What importance does the Democratic Modernity paradigm of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in isolation in İmralı, have today against the deepening crises in the Middle East?
 Mr. Öcalan's analysis of the Middle East and the Democratic Modernity paradigm he developed will be discussed more intensively in the coming period.
The nation-state creates a crisis not only for the Kurds, but for all peoples. The search for solutions developed by capitalist modernity has produced no results other than creating a crisis in the Middle East. Mr. Öcalan also describes the history of Middle Eastern civilization as a counter-revolution. In his defense of “Civilization Crisis and Democratic Modernity in the Middle East”, he said: “Civilization is a counter-revolution for all social elements excluded from the system… While civilization is a revolution of order for its interests, it is destruction and counter-revolution for the opposing forces. For me, the meaning of the revolution is the new and improved clarification of the moral and political democratic society, which is constantly narrowed down by the civilization system", shows the way out of the Middle East crisis.
By overcoming the imposition of a European-centered solution, the construction of a democratic system based on the belief, culture, economic structure and multiple identities and cultures of the Middle East will enable the people of the Middle East to live in peace and security. The intervention of capitalist modernist forces in the Middle East is also an intervention against the ideological identity and culture of the Middle East. A confederal organization based on unity and solidarity that will preserve the identity of the peoples of the Middle East will not only overcome the artificial lines drawn by nation-states but will also bring the Middle East back to the position of central civilization. In this context, Mr. Öcalan's analysis of the Middle East and the Democratic Modernity paradigm he developed will be discussed more intensively in the coming period. European supporters and academics who voice the demand for Mr. Öcalan's freedom today also see this truth.
MA / Fırat Can Arslan

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