Isolation protest in Wan

  • youth
  • 17:25 9 February 2024
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WAN - DEM Party Wan Youth Assembly stated that they will continue their fight until the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, whom they protested against the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan by not allowing him to meet with his family and lawyers.
People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Youth Assembly made a press statement in Wan regarding PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is held in Imralı Type F Prison and has not been heard from for 35 months. Wan Deputy Pervin Buldan and executives of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), the Free Women's Movement (TJA) and the Assistance Association with the Families of Detainees and Convicts (TUHAY-DER) attended the statement held in front of the party's Provincial Organization building, unfurled a banner saying, "Rêberek azad, welatek azad" (Free Leader, Free Country).
Making the statement, DEM Party Youth Assembly member Abdullah Gurkan drew attention to the actions and events held in many parts of the world within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign.
Gurkan said that the isolation policy against Abdullah Ocalan stems from the fear and anxiety about the spread of the paradigm he developed and added: “A great support for Mr. Abdullah Ocalan has emerged in the Middle East and the people of the whole world. Because the people know that Mr. Abdullah Ocalan's freedom is the guarantee of a humane life. The fact that he became the leader of the people with the paradigm he developed in Imralı is proof of this. Because the government knows this, they want to deepen the isolation and insist on war policies."
Gurkan also stated that the isolation system, which continues in the form of torture and genocide, has now reached an unacceptable stage. Stating that the society's right to peace and freedom has been prevented by the isolation system, Gurkan said: “There has been no news from Mr. Abdullah Ocalan for 3 years. He is not allowed to meet neither his lawyers nor his family. These policies are not limited to Imralı and from here the whole society is targeted. This shows that isolation has become the country's management style."
Gurkan also said that the isolation policy implemented in Imralı is the most concrete example of what kind of a policy of hostility the state carries out against the Kurds and other rights living in this geography, and continued: “Through the Imralı isolation system, openly hostile policies are in effect against the people of Turkey and Kurdistan, especially the Kurds.” While this situation affects society, it also targets young people and women the most. The future and housing problems of young people, the problems of finding a job and freedom, none of these are independent of the isolation imposed in Imralı. Young people of Turkey and Kurdistan must know well that those who say, ‘Do you know how much a bullet costs?’ are the ones who use the people's budget for their anti-Kurd policies. Those who say 'Do you know the price of a bullet' are the ones responsible for young people being murdered in elevators, becoming unemployed, and being dragged to suicide in the circle of futurelessness and hopelessness. Every young person and all our people must feel that the isolation in Imralı is in our minds, in our homes, in the schools we study and everywhere. For this reason, opposing the Imralı isolation means defending freedom and opposing the Imralı isolation means defending humanity.”
Emphasizing that the PKK Leader's physical freedom must be ensured immediately, Gurkan noted that they will continue their struggle uninterruptedly until the isolation ends.
Gurkan said, "Mr. Ocalan's freedom will be the first and most powerful step to liberate the society. When we look at it from a perspective that does not see freedom, the moment you ignore it, you fall into the isolation policy of the government. This is no longer a struggle for democracy, it is turning into a platform for the isolation policies of the government. No one and no mentality must serve as a tool for the government's isolation system. This is why, while the government insists on isolation policies, it so openly threatens those who emphasize isolation and openly fight against it. In a way, they are trying to rule the entire society with their own fascist perceptions by isolating the anti-isolation struggle. Therefore, we will continue to raise our voices against isolation. The mentality that has our people in the grip of genocide must know well that it will break the isolation wherever we are and our struggle will continue until we ensure the freedom of the People's Leader, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan."

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