Newroz headlines from 90s to today

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  • 11:38 13 March 2024
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IZMIR - Newroz celebrations, which brought together millions, took their place on the first page of newspapers every period. While the Free Press carried the solution messages rising from the squares to the headlines, the mainstream media changed color according to the spirit of the period.

Preparations for Newroz, celebrated on March 21st in many regions of Mesopotamia and the Middle East, have begun. Newroz, where the people's demand for freedom has been shouted for thousands of years, was tried to be suppressed by the political authorities with oppression and persecution. While the state wanted to silence this voice with all its might, it also used its media power in this direction. The "mainstream" media followed a Newroz approach coordinated with the policies of the state.
In the 1990s, when Newroz became popular and celebrated in the cities of Kurdistan and Turkey, the mainstream media closed the first pages of newspapers for Newroz and only included news that legitimized state violence. In the 2000s, when there was a partial softening, it was glossed over with a single photograph and a few sentences. The "solution process" that took place between 2013 and 2015 changed the perspective of the state and directly the mainstream. All newspapers and television channels, which ignored millions in the past, broadcast Amed Newroz live and brought it to the first pages of newspapers. During this process, newspapers that frequently published the headline "Newroz of Peace" returned to their old days after the solution process was terminated by the AKP. Newspapers that highlighted messages of peace during the solution process, in later years, began to use language that criminalized Newroz and ignored the demands of the people.
Against the language of the mainstream media that reflects censorship and the understanding of the government, the "Free Press" tradition continued to include the enthusiasm and demands of the people in the Newroz celebrations attended by millions and to carry the will of millions into its headlines.
We have compiled the headlines made by the Free Press and the mainstream media from the banned Newroz celebrations of the 1990s to today.
1991: While the weekly newspaper Yeni Ulke published the headlines "Newroz has become a Turkish holiday" and "The day of resistance and victory of the Kurdish people: Newroz is everywhere", Hürriyet newspaper wrote "The toll of Bloody Newroz is 31 dead: Eid or rebellion?" With its headline, it legitimized the attack of state forces on the public. Again, in the mainstream media, "What was feared has happened in Nevruz, which has been awaited with anxiety for days. The agitators achieved their goal... Cizre and Şırnak were painted with blood; 31 people died, including a police officer." Milliyet Newspaper published news on its first page saying "Kurdish flag on mosque".
1992: Yeni Ulke Newspaper announced the 1992 Newroz with the headline "Newroz pîroz be". Milliyet described Newroz celebrations as "Massive conflict in Adana, Şırnak and Cizre; 24 dead, one of them a police officer: It's not a holiday, it's a riot."
1993: Newspapers, which were the continuation of the Free Press tradition, were closed before Newroz. On March 22, 1993, Hürriyet announced the Newroz news on the inside page with the title "PKK listened to Apo". Milliyet, on the other hand, saw the Newroz celebrations with the title "What a day we have come to".
1994: It was seen by Ozgür Gündem Newspaper with the headline "Official 'Nevruz' did not catch on". In its headline, Milliyet targeted those who came from Europe and participated in the Newroz celebrations, with the headline "Vultures of Nevruz".
1995: Ozgür Ulke Newspaper could not cover Newroz celebrations because it was closed on February 2, 1995. The entire mainstream saw the state's cross-border operations.
1996: Milliyet published Newroz news as "Nevruz without incident" with a photo of then-President Demirel participating in the "Nevruz" celebration. On the other hand, Demokrasi Newspaper was published on March 22, 1996 with the headline "Yesterday was Newroz". Meydan newspaper drew attention to the "security measures" taken by the state against the Newroz celebrations with the headline "Nevruz alarm".
1997: While Demokrasi Newspaper announced the celebrations with the headline "Newroz enthusiasm is everywhere", Milliyet reported the Newroz news in the bottom corner of the first page as "Nevruz with action, without incident". Cumhuriyet used the headlines "Enthusiastic desire for peace in Newroz" and "The state celebrated on its own" for the Newroz celebrations, which it gave in two headlines.
1998: Ulkede Gündem Newspaper met with the readers with the headline "Hundreds of Thousands made the fire of resurrection stronger". Mainstream media did not see Newroz news this year.
1999: Newroz celebrations were not seen in the media because newspapers from the Free Press tradition were closed and censored. Milliyet published Newroz news with the title "Lots of detentions during Newroz".
2000: Ozgür Bakış Newspaper published it with the headline "This fire will never go out". Milliyet reported the news about the tires burned during Newroz being collected by the police with the title "Tires in custody" and drew attention to the "precautions" taken before Newroz in Diyarbakır. Cumhuriyet wrote in its news titled "Nevruz Enthusiasm" that peace slogans came to the fore during the celebrations.
2001: Yedinci Gündem Newspaper published the headline "1 million people wrote the 'People's program' on Newroz: Earth, sky and splendor." While Milliyet did not make news the day after the celebrations, it was published through Diyarbakır Police Chief Gaffar Okan, who was assassinated on January 24, 2001. It served the news of the celebration with the title "Gaffar was also in Nevruz".
2002: Newroz celebrations were banned throughout Turkey. But people took to the streets despite the ban. Yedinci Gündem Newspaper saw the people's refusal to recognize the ban with the headline "Newroz recognized no ban". Milliyet saw the Newroz celebrations in the inside page headline with the headline "Nevruz fire hurt this year".
2003: Again Ozgür Gündem Newspaper appeared with the headline "Newroz fire against Dehaq". While the mainstream completely ignored Newroz celebrations, entire pages were devoted to the Iraq war. Only Cumhuriyet included the news titled "Let it be the harbinger of peace" on its inner pages.
2004: Ulkede Ozgür Gündem Newspaper was published with the headline "The people are marching to freedom". Milliyet, which saw the Newroz news on the inside page, reported the news with the title "Journalist was beaten during the Nevruz celebration".
2005: Ulkede Ozgür Gündem gave extensive coverage to the celebrations with the headline "This is a different Newroz". However, the newspaper could not reach the readers because the Istanbul 12th High Criminal Court decided to confiscate the unpublished publication. Milliyet, on the other hand, published its Newroz news with the title "In the shadow of Ocalan...".
2006: Ulkede Ozgür Gündem published the headline "People's Newroz message". Milliyet newspaper covered the "Nevruz" celebrations of state officials in its news with the headline "Protocol on fire". The Newroz celebrations featured on the inside page were titled "Like a PKK demonstration".
2007: While Güncel Newspaper met with the readers with the headline "Newroz pîroz be", Milliyet carried the programs attended by the state officials for the Newroz celebrations on its pages.
2008: Haftaya Bakış Newspaper was published with the headline "Democratic Autonomy Newroz".
2009: Günlük newspaper announced that the people's declaration had emerged during the Newroz celebrations with the headline "Millions have made their choice". While Cumhuriyet saw the election message of the Newroz celebrations, it stated in its front-page news, "The celebrations turned into a show of strength of the DTP."
2010: Günlük was published with the headline "Newroz in heaven and earth: Millions said yes". Cumhuriyet newspaper announced the news with the headline "Nevruz was celebrated", Milliyet "Hundreds of thousands celebrated Newroz without incident", Sabah Newspaper "Here is the initiative of Nevruz: Zero incidents", and Star Newspaper announced the news with the headline "The language of Nevruz is peace".
2011: Günlük Newspaper covered the celebrations with the headlines "Kawa's children are building freedom". Sabah reported on the police attacks that took place instead of Newroz, which was celebrated with enthusiasm in many cities, with the title "This is how Newroz celebrated." Cumhuriyet used the headline "Tens of thousands of people celebrated Newroz" on the first page.
2012: Newroz celebrations planned to be held outside March 21 were banned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Gündem featured the struggle of hundreds of thousands of people who took to the streets despite the ban, with the headline "Newroz Challenged". The mainstream media, on the other hand, came out with headlines from a single centre. Güneş, “Police: 1 BDP:0”, Radikal Newspaper, “Stubbornness took lives”, Gündem Newspaper, “Nevruz terror”, Akşam Newspaper, “They burned and destroyed”, Habertürk Newspaper, “Look at the holiday!”, Hürriyet, “Fire of grudge”, Sabah, "What kind of Nevruz is this?", Sözcü "They burned it down and threw stones - It's called Eid", Star, "Guns, violence, fire, Nevruz", Akit, "BDP destroyed it again", Zaman, "They tried to burn the streets with Nevruz fire", Cumhuriyet covered Newroz with the headlines "One dead in early Nevroz", Taraf with "Gas Disaster in Nevroz", and Birgün with the headlines "They killed the spring".
2013: Ozgür Gündem carried the headline "Ocalan called out from Amed: A new era has begun", while the spot said: "I say this with the testimony of millions who heeded my call; Now a new era begins, politics, not weapons, comes to the fore. This is not an end, it is a new beginning." Sabah, "PKK is withdrawing", Posta Newspaper "Mandela succeeded, Ocalan will too", Habertürk, "Time for peace", Zaman "Call to PKK that 'the era of weapons is over'", Vatan newspaper "Farewell to weapons after 35 thousand lives", Taraf, "Nevruz of the new era", Radikal "Biji Turkey", Cumhuriyet "Transition to the new era", Yeni Şafak "The guns fell silent, it is time for peace", Evrensel "The compass showed peace in Amed Newroz".
2014: While Ocalan's message attracted attention on Newroz 2014, dozens of national and international news channels broadcast live broadcasts from Amed Newroz as "Historical day in Diyarbakır". Ozgür Gündem came out with the headline "Invitation to Great Peace". Akşam Newspaper preferred the headlines "Spring of Solution, Despite the Deep Organization", Milliyet "Message of Determination", Sabah "Continuing the Solution, Nevruz", Habertürk "We are not afraid while making peace", and Star preferred the headlines "Nevruz of Peace".
2015: Ozgür Gündem included the message of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and published the headline "Historic message from Ocalan to the peoples and states of the world in the presence of the apocalyptic community: It is time for democracy". Evrensel newspaper included Ocalan's message with the headline "Responsibility lies with the state". While Milliyet's headline carried MHP President Devlet Bahçeli's words "Letter of Betrayal", Sabah Erdoğan's "The solution process covers the whole of Turkey", Cumhuriyet "Rebellion against the Palace", Posta "Everyone was enthusiastic", Zaman "A call to say goodbye to arms" , Sözcü, "Call to those who read İmralı's messages: We want to see Tayyip and Apo hand in hand in this square", while Star carried Erdoğan's words in its headline as: "The monitoring delegation legitimizes the 'island'".
2016: Ozgür Gündem headlined Newroz, attended by millions in Amed, with the headline "The Solution is in Imralı". Evrensel carried the voice raised during Diyarbakir Newroz to its pages with the title "Solution message from Diyarbakir Newroz: Let the guns silent negotiations begin", and Cumhuriyet carried the voice raised during Diyarbakir Newroz to its pages with the title "Peace comes in a week". While Sabah used the headline "Diyarbakır did not give up" accompanied by a photo taken from the area in the early hours of the morning, Posta and Milliyet newspapers highlighted the blockade as "measures taken" on their inner pages. Zaman said, "Newroz was dull in Diyarbakır", and Sözcü targeted the Newroz celebration and made the headline: "Traitors put on a show in Diyarbakır: Shame on those who did it and those who made it happen."
2017: The Newroz celebrations that coincided with the constitutional referendum were covered by the Ozgürlükçü Demokrasi Newspaper with the headline "Here is the will of the people", Cumhuriyet headlined "The Nevruz fire burned for peace", and Evrensel headlined the Amed Newroz celebration with the headline "There is peace in good, and there is good in peace". While these newspapers carried the declaration of will of millions to the headlines, the mainstream media continued to publish single headlines in the shadow of the government. While Star used the headline "The Nevruz fire burned without incident", Milliyet newspaper, while not seeing the hundreds of thousands filling the squares this year, served the Istanbul Governorship's "Nevruz" celebration as "Nevruz enthusiasm".
2018: Ozgürlükçü Demokrasi published the headline "Newroz fire will cleanse Afrin". Evrensel said, "The demand for peace left its mark in the Newroz rallies held all over Turkey" and published the headline "Peace has an owner." While Hürriyet Newspaper featured Newroz in a small way on the first page with the headline "Fires were lit, Newruz was celebrated," Cumhuriyet newspaper published "Newroz fire were lit to hope”. Star newspaper saw the news at the bottom saying "Newruz has become liberated", other newspapers ignored the millions who filled the squares.
2019: Yeni Yaşam Newspaper met with the readers with the headline "We will win with Newroz, we will break the isolation", and Evrensel Newspaper met with the readers with the headline "The people said we are here". Birgün, saw it as a short news, saying, "Newroz was celebrated with great enthusiasm." While Sözcü Newspaper emphasized the official "Nevruz" on its first page and said "Turkey celebrated Nevruz with enthusiasm", Güneş reported "Nevruz enthusiasm" and Cumhuriyet Newspaper reported "Tens of thousands celebrated Nevruz" and reported the celebration, which attracted hundreds of thousands of people, as a small news.
2020: Mass Newroz celebrations were canceled in 2020 due to the coronavirus that affected the whole world. However, people celebrated Newroz by lighting fires on the balconies of their houses on the evening of March 21, albeit symbolically.
2021: Yeni Yaşam announced Amed Newroz, where participation was prevented due to the pandemic, under the title "Newroz of Freedom". Birgün newspaper, on the other hand, pointed out that Newroz was held despite the pressures of the government, with an article titled "Resistance in Newroz" on its front page. Milliyet Newspaper also chose the title "The joy of Nevruz".
2022: Yeni Yaşam reached the readers with the headline "Newroz of Victory" and Evrensel with the headline "Diyarbakır Newroz: A message of equal citizenship in the police blockade". While the mainstream media gave plenty of coverage to the official celebrations in their news, they only mentioned the detentions that took place, describing Amed Newroz, which hundreds of thousands of people attended, as "an excess".
2023: Yeni Yaşam announced the Newroz celebrations with the headline "Freedom is in Imralı". Evrensel used the title "2023 Amed Newroz: Farewell to the AKP-MHP government", Birgün used the title "Sancar's message 'We will send this government'". While Sözcü wrote the headline "Nevruz was celebrated in Diyarbakır", Milliyet, Hürriyet, Yeni Şafak and Aydınlık newspapers ignored the enthusiasm and massiveness of the celebrations and covered the police attack and detentions with the expressions "terrorism". 
MA / Tolga Güney

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