Declaration from politicians and intellectuals for May Day prisoners

ISTANBUL - Politicians, writers, journalists, artists and intellectuals published a declaration for the release of 48 people who were arrested for resisting the police barricade on May Day.
With the call of the Hepsini Alacağız Kampanya Grubu (We Will Take Them All Campaign Group), more than 100 intellectuals, writers, journalists and artists published a joint declaration for the release of 48 people who were prevented and arrested because they wanted to celebrate May 1 in Taksim. In the declaration, a reference was made to the decision of the Constitutional Court (AYM), which deemed not allowing the celebration of May Day in Taksim as a violation of rights. In the declaration, it was reminded that the Constitutional Court decision emphasized that the guaranteed right to organize meetings and demonstrations was prevented, and that the duty of the government was to take the necessary measures for workers and citizens to celebrate May Day safely and peacefully.
The declaration pointed out the provision in Article 34 of the Constitution that "Everyone has the right to organize unarmed and unassaulted meetings and demonstrations without obtaining prior permission." Underlining that the constitutional rights of the arrested people were violated and following statement was made: "It is not a crime to celebrate May Day in the historical Taksim Square. We call on the government to comply with the Constitutional Court decision that Taksim Square should be opened for May Day celebrations and to take into account Article 34 of the Constitution. We demand the relevant authorities to release the 48 arrested people." 
The names of those who signed the declaration are as follows: "Writer Abdulbaki Erdoğmuş, Writer Abdullah Aysu, Abdurrahman Atalay, Diyarbakır Deputy Adalet Kaya, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bekmen, Writer Ahmet Ümiti, Alper Taş, Writer Altay Öktem, Writer Arlin Çiçekçi, Assistant Professor Aslı Kayhan, Assistant Professor Aslı Takanay, Şair Ataol Behramoğlu, Research Associate Aybala Ertekin, Writer, Scenarist Ayfer Tunç, Aysel Tekerek, Writer Ayşegül Devecioğlu, Writer, Communicator Ayşen Şahin, Tunceli Deputy Ayten Kordu, Journalist Bahadır Özgür, Actor Barış Atay, Writer Barış İnce, Journalist Barış Terkoğlu, Writer, Director and Actor Berat Beyoğlu, Journalist Berkant Gültekin, Director and Actress Bilge Can Göker, Prof. Dr. Birol Çaymaz, İzmir Deputy Burcugül Çubuk, Writer Bülent Tekin, Journalist Candan Yıldız, İstanbul Deputy Celal Fırat, Assistant Professor Üyesi Cemil Yıldızcan, Doç. Dr. Ceren Sözeri, Diyarbakır DeputyCeylan Akça Cupolo, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihan Özpınar, Musician Çağrı Sinci, İstanbul Deputy Çiçek Otlu, Lawyer Çiğdem Akbulut, Writer Dilek Yılmaz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doğan Çetinkaya, Arş. Gör. Durusu Kadıoğlu, Lawyer Efkan Bolaç, Journalist Elif Ilgaz, Actor Emin Şentürk Suljic, Prof. Dr. Emine Beyza Üstün, Writer Ender Helvacıoğlu, Director  Enis Rıza Sakızlı, Director  Emin Alper, İstanbul Former Deputy Ercan Karakaş, Writer, Director and Actor Ercan Kesal, Writer Ercüment Akdeniz, İstanbul Deputy Erkan Baş, Assistant Professor Ertan Erol, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Mungan, Writer, Doç. Dr. Fatih Yaşlı, Urfa DeputyFerit Şenyaşar, Prof. Dr. Feryal Saygılıgil, Writer Gaye BoralıoğluProf. Dr. Gençay Gürsoy, Mardin DeputyGeorge Aslan, Öğr. Gör. Göksu Coşkunlar, Journalist Gökçer Tahincioğlu, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Görkem Doğan, Director, Oyuncu Gül Göker, Van Deputy Gülcan Kaçmaz Sağyiğit, Van Deputy Gülderen Varlı, Lawyer Gülizar Tuncer, Musician Güneş Demir, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Yücel, Journalist Hakkı Özdal, Musician Haluk Çetin, Musician Haluk Tolga İlhan, Writer Hatice Eroğlu Akdoğan, Bitlis Deputy Hüseyin Olan, İzmir Deputy İbrahim Akın, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Alper Dizdar, TEGV Founder İbrahim Betil, Poet İbrahim Karaca, Journalist İbrahim Varlı, İlhan Cihaner, Musician İlkay Akkaya, Researcher Associate İlker Kafalı, Director  İmre Azem, Journalist İrfan Aktan, Journalist İrfan Değirmenci, Journalist İsmail Arı, Prof. Dr. İzzettin Önder, Unionist Kamil Kartal, Journalist Kavel Alpaslan, Researcher Associate Kıvanç Yiğit Mısırlı, Musician Kutlu Özmakinacı, Actor Levent Üzümcü, Van Deputy Mahmut Dindar, Writer Mehmet Fırat Pürselim, Diyarbakır Deputy Mehmet Kamaç, Batman Deputy Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki, Writer Mehmet Said Aydın, Şırnak Deputy Mehmet Zeki İrmez, İstanbul Former Deputy Melda Onur, Journalist Merdan Yanardağ, Actor Mert Fırat, Prof. Dr. Metin Özuğurlu, Murat Kapıkıran, Writer Murat Uyurkulak, Lecturer Mustafa Cengiz Arın, Poet, Writer Mustafa Köz, Director  Nebil Özgentürk, Linguist, Çevirmen Necmiye Alpay, DGD-Sen Chair Neslihan Acar, Şair Nevzat Çelik, Şırnak Deputy Newroz Uysal, Assistant Professor Nur Tuğçe Biga, Writer Olcay Kunal, Hakkari Deputy Onur Düşünmez, Prof. Dr. Onur Hamzaoğlu, Actor Orhan Alkaya, Bursa Deputy Orhan Sarıbal, Writer Orhan Silier, Musician Ozan Çoban, Writer Özge Doğar, İstanbul Deputy Özgül Saki, Dev Yapı-İş Chair Özgür Karabulut, Director  Pınar Yıldırım, KESK Former Chair Sami Evren, Siirt Deputy Sebahat Erdoğan, Researcher Associate Seçil Doğuç, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selin Pelek,  Publisher, Writer Semih Gümüş, Diyarbakır Deputy Serhat Eren, Director Serkan Acar Diyarbakır Deputy Sevilay Çelenk, Writer Sezai Sarıoğlu, Writer Sibel Özbudun, DİSK Enerji-Sen Chair Süleyman Keskin, Poet Şükrü Erbaş, Writer Temel Demirer, Journalist Timur Soykan, Director Turgay Kantürk, Journalist Turgut Dedeoğlu, Journalist Uğur Koç, Writer Uğur Portakal, Hakkari Deputy Vezir Coşkun Parlak, Journalist Yaşar Aydın, Iğdır Deputy Yılmaz Hun and İzmir Former Deputy Zeynep Altıok Akatlı."

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