Common call at rally against trustees: Let's expand the united struggle

ISTANBUL – Labor, Peace and Democracy Forces stated that the trustee practice is an attack on every segment of society and called for "Let's expand the united struggle. Let's mobilize to create a world without war and exploitation."
Istanbul Labor, Peace and Democracy Forces are organizing a rally in Kartal Square regarding the appointment of a trustee to Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Municipality, which the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) won in the local elections, with the slogan "We will not allow trustees for our labor and freedom." The crowd gathered at the Marmaray Başak Stop before the rally and walked to the area in corteges.
At the cortege, a large banner was unfurled drawing attention to the death sentence handed down on June 29 in the sentencing trial to Şêx Said, who was executed with 46 of his companions at Dağkapı Square in Amed in 1925, and Abdullah Öcalan, the PKK Leader who was extradited to Turkey in 1999 under an international conspiracy, with the message 'From 1925 to 1999, We Did Not Kneel, We Will Not Kneel.'
In the cortege, where political parties, unions, associations, institutions, organizations and platforms took their place with their own flags, the crowd carried black signs saying "Trustee out" and "Speak up for freedom" and also wore black t-shirts with the words "Trustee out".
During the march slogans such as, "The trustee will leave, we will stay", "We will not allow the trustee to pass", "No usurpation, no to the trustee", "Biji berxwedana Colemêrg (Long live resistance of Colemêrg)", "Jin jiyan azadi (Woman, life, freedom)", "Everywhere is Hakkari, everywhere is resistance", "Biji berxwedana zindana (Long live resistance of dungeons)", "Oppression cannot deter us", "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism" and "We will win by resisting", were shouted.
The Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) and DEM Party Women's Assembly took their place in the cortege with the banner "Women Resisting Against the Trustee Coup". Women holding erbane in their hands marched chanting slogans such as "We will win by resisting", "Jin jiyan azadi", "Biji tekoşine jinan (Long live resistance of women)".
In the cortege, Colemêrg Co-Mayor Viyan Tekçe, Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-Speakers Esengül Demir and Cengiz Çiçek, and DEM Party deputies were at the forefront. The crowd in the cortege shouted the slogans, "Biji Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)" and "Be Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)".
The rally started, with thousands of people entering the area. At the rally where the banner opened saying, "We will not give way to trustees for our labor and freedom".
The enthusiastic crowd frequently shouted slogans in unison in the square: "Resist Hakkari, Istanbul is with you" and "We will not allow the trustees to pass."
Reading the press text, Günnü Ertaş İnce stated that the AKP-MHP government continues its attacks on large segments of society in order to survive and maintain its existence. İnce said that one of the attacks is a "trustee coup". 
Noting that the trustee appointed to Colemêrg Municipality is "a tool to stifle the rights and freedom struggles of the Kurds", İnce said that the trustee is an attack on all segments of society who want an equal and free common life.
İnce also stated that common struggle grounds will be increased. Reacting to the arrests on May Day, Gezi trial and Kobanê trial decisions, İnce emphasized that the minimum wage should also be increased and said: "The right to union organization, which is included in the Constitution, is prevented for arbitrary reasons. They tell the working class and laborers to be obedient slaves of capital. Despite all the attacks, they could not and will not prevent the workers' struggle for rights. We will grow the fire of resistance wherever there is oppression and slavery, as in many squares, factories and businesses today."
İnce stated that the AKP-MHP government cannot hide the facts and said that they do not accept the law on killing animals by 'putting them to sleep'. Calling to expand the common struggle with women, İnce said the following: “We invite all workers, laborers, peoples, all oppressed and exploited segments to protect our labor and freedom, and to expand the struggle against the attacks imposed by trustees. We call on you to take stronger steps to expand the united struggle against those who impose oppression, exploitation and misery wherever there is life in factories, neighborhoods, schools, homes and fields, and those who put the trustee coup into action. We call on you to mobilize to create a world that is equal, free of war and exploitation."

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