Yazidis rises from their ashes

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  • 12:16 1 August 2024
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NEWS CENTER - The Yazidis, who healed the wounds of the 74th Edict in Shengal 10 years ago with solidarity, rose from the ashes with the system they built. MXD? Co-Chair Cîhan Celo said: “Every wound of the Yazidis is closed with Mr. Öcalan's democratic nation paradigm.” 
It has been 10 years since ISIS attacked Shengal in Iraq's Mosul province on August 3, 2014. According to unofficial figures, nearly 3 thousand people were massacred in the massacre, which Yazidis describe as the “74th Edict”. According to some studies, this number is 2,855, 2,700. ISIS militants captured thousands of women and children during the massacre. Many of the captives were later found in mass graves. Some women were sold in slave markets. The fate of thousands of Yazidis is still unknown despite the 10 years that have passed.
The massacre, which took place in front of the eyes of the whole world, was caused by the Iraqi government and KDP forces leaving the city. The KDP forces responsible for the security of the city left the Yazidis to face the massacre by boarding trucks without firing a single bullet. 12 HPG fighters came to the rescue of the Yazidis who fled the ISIS attack and took refuge in Mount Shengal. After the ISIS attacks were repelled, the Yazidis were rescued when the Civil Defense Units (Yekineyên Parastinên Sivîl-YPG) from Northern and Eastern Syria opened a life corridor. 
As ISIS attacks continued, Yazidis organized themselves under the Êzidxan Command. In early 2015, an offensive was launched to liberate Shengal. On November 13, 2015, the Êzidîxan Command announced the complete liberation of the center of Shengal. In the following period, the Yazidis were reborn from the ashes of the liberated Shengal. The Yazidis established an autonomous administration, assemblies and military forces. With the democratic nation paradigm, a new construction process began with communes and assemblies. As the construction process continued, thousands of Yazidis turned their attention back to Shengal. 
On October 9, 2020, the “October 9 Agreement” was signed between Hewlêr and Baghdad against this system implemented in Shengal. The agreement, signed under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) Special Envoy to Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and supported by the US, UK, Germany and Turkey, failed to materialize. The agreement envisaged the dissolution of the Autonomous Administration and the handover of Shengal to the Iraqi army. However, the Shengal people did not accept the agreement signed against their will. 
In addition to the agreement, Shengal was frequently targeted during the 10-year period. Turkey's airstrikes against Shengal have been going on for years. Many people, including commanders fighting against ISIS, lost their lives in these attacks. 
Cîhan Celo, Co-Chair of the Democratic Autonomous Assembly of Shengal (MXDŞ), evaluated the 74th Edict and the process that followed. Pointing out that the 74th Edict was a new process for the Yazidis, Celo said, “After the Edict, serious changes took place in the Yazidi community. Some occupying forces wanted to eliminate the Yazidi community. Yazidis protected themselves with their means. After this decree, Yazidis established their own military and political forces. A new system was built in Shengal.” 
Celo said that the Iraqi government and the KDP handed the Yazidis over to ISIS, and that the HPG fighters were the force that saved them. “Freedom fighters saw it as their duty not only to protect Shengal but also to organize the Yazidi community. The Yazidi community organized itself according to the democratic nation paradigm. For the first time in Yazidi history, a military force was formed. For the first time, a Yazidi women's army (YJ?) was formed. Today, these women protect this society. Again, councils, institutions and organizations were established within the Autonomous Administration. The Yazidi community was resurrected” Celo said. 
Stating that after the edict, Yazidis started to organize and embarked on a new construction process, Celo said: “Despite all the obstacles, threats and attacks, they created themselves from nothing. Attacks and oppression against this community still continue to this day. Sovereign powers have bargains and goals over this society. The genocide they planned then did not materialize. However, those who resisted against ISIS gangs were targeted immediately afterwards. In 2015, the Autonomous Administration was established. The forces that liberated this place stayed in Serde?t. For this reason, the first assembly in Shengal was established in Serde?t. These assemblies were based on gender equality, women and youth organization. There are currently 13 assemblies under the Autonomous Administration. There is also TAJÊ and there are women's assemblies established under TAJÊ. There are also economic, health and ecology committees. The Autonomous Administration can serve in Shengal as much as it can. It has shortcomings, but we will solve and overcome them together with our society.” 
Stating that women are leading the construction of the new system, Celo said: “Shengal is besieged from all sides. It has many difficulties, but despite these difficulties, the community is organizing itself. Thousands of forces here turned their backs on the Yazidi community. However, women are leading the democratic nation system that is currently being built here. Because in 2014, a society was wanted to be finished in the person of women. However, women responded to these attacks by leading this society. The secret of success against ISIS in Shengal is Mr. Ocalan's ideas and philosophy. And it is women who take this as a basis in every field. Every cell of this society in Shengal is nourished by this idea and philosophy. Every wound of the Yazidis is closed with Mr. Öcalan's democratic nation paradigm.”
Stating that the Yazidis in the camps established by the KDP are also returning to Shengal, “It is the Autonomous Administration that will protect the rights and values of this community. This truth is once again evident in their return to Shengal. Today, Yazidis staying in KDP camps are slowly returning to Shengal. Because they have realized that Shengal is the only safe space for them. Despite all the plans and threats, they stand by the Autonomous Administration. Because they realized that when they have a problem or face an obstacle, it is the Autonomous Administration that will come to their rescue. We are ready to do whatever it takes for this society. It is our main duty to protect this community” Celo said and stated that some Yazidis staying in the camps were prevented from returning to Shengal by the KDP. 
Emphasizing that they will continue their construction work despite all the attacks, Celo continued as follows: “In 2020, the September 9 Agreement was signed. The content of this agreement was to liquidate the forces protecting the Yazidis here. It was to separate the forces established here from each other. They wanted to eliminate and weaken the Êzidxan Asayish. Our attitude towards the KDP is clear. Our attitude towards the Iraqi government is clear. There are attacks on Shengal but they do not take a stand. We do not need the Iraqi government or any other government. We are protecting ourselves. They know this and that is why they signed the October 9 Agreement. Our politics, our path is nothing but resistance. Therefore, Yazidis must embrace the Autonomous Administration and frustrate these plans.”

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