Call for Ayten Öztürk: Lawlessness must end

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  • 12:53 31 August 2024
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ISTANBUL- 147 names, including artists, journalists, rights defenders and intellectuals, called for the overturning of Ayten Öztürk's sentence of 2 times aggravated life imprisonment.

Ayten Öztürk, who was kidnapped from Lebanon and brought to Turkey in 2018 and held in a secret place for 6 months, was subjected to severe torture in Ankara for 6 months.  
Öztürk was sentenced to 2 times aggravated life imprisonment on charges of “incitement to murder” and “attempting to change the constitutional order” based on the abstract allegations of a confessor. Öztürk's sentence was approved by the Court of Cassation and finalized. 147 names including intellectuals, writers, actors, journalists and politicians called for support for Öztürk. 
The statement recalled the severe torture Öztürk was subjected to for 6 months and said: “After her detention, her lawyers determined that Ayten Öztürk had 898 torture marks on different parts of her body due to the torture she was subjected to. Ayten Öztürk was arrested by the Penal Court of Peace on September 1, 2018. The arrest warrant stated that there was no concrete evidence other than the allegation that Ayten Öztürk had a fake passport on her person.”
The statement said that Öztürk was sentenced only on the basis of the statements of a confessor and added: “If this sentence is not overturned, Ayten will be kept in heavy isolation cells in prison for the rest of her life. As sensitive people and rights defenders, we demand an immediate end to the unlawfulness against Ayten Öztürk, who was forced to testify against people with severe torture, who was sentenced to life imprisonment by violating her right to a fair trial with the statement 'She was watching the lynching', and we demand that the unlawful prison sentence given by a political rescisson of decision.” 
“Adnan Özyalçıner, Ahmet Telli, Akın Birdal, Ali Balkız, Ali Bozan, Ali Ekber Eren, Ali Geygeloğlu, Ali Isıyel, Ali Kenanoğlu Ali PapurX, Ali Rıza Bilir,  Ataol Behramoğlu,  Avni Sağlam, Ayhan Aydın, Ayla Yılmaz,  Ayten Kordu, Ayşe Hür, Barış Arat, Berfin Emekçi, Bora Balcı, Burcugül Çubuk,  Burhan Berken, Burhan Karacan, Buse Özbey,  Celal Fırat, Cengiz Özkan, Cenk Dost Verdi, Cevahir Canpolat, Cezmi Ersöz,  Cihan Berk,  Cihan Çelik, Defne Halman, Deniz Deman, Dicle Anter, Dilşad Canbaz, Kaya Dogan, Presse Agence Fransa, Emin Alper, Emin Koramaz,  Emre Orman, Ercan Aydın, Ercan Geçmez, Erdal Bayrakoğlu, Erdal Erzincan, Erdoğan Aydın, Erdinç Duman, Eren Keskin, Erk Acarer, Esra Soybir, Faruk Eren, Fatoş Güney, Ferhat Tunç, Furkan Karabay,  Grup Vardiya, Grup Yorum, Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit, Hakan Zat, Halil Ergün, Haluk Tolga İlhan, Hamit Demir, Hasan Balcı, Hasan Harmancı,  Hasan Subaşı, Haydar Koçak, Hayri Tunç, Hüda Kaya,  Hüseyin Mat,  Hüsnü Yıldız, Işıl Özgentürk,  İbrahim Ateş, İbrahim Karaca - İsmail Hakkı Demircioğlu - Kadının Sesi Platformu, Kadir Demir, Kemal Bülbül, Kerim Eren, Kutsal Evcimen, Levent Üzümcü ,Mazlum Çimen, Medine Mamedoğlu, Mehmet Esatoğlu, Mehmet Özer, Nevin Kamilağaoğlu, Nihat Behram, Nilgün Mete, Nur Sürer,  Nuray Çevirmen, Nurettin Güleç, Onur Düşünmez,  Orhan Alkaya, Orhan Aydm,  Osman Genç,  Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, Özcan Yaman, Pınar Aydınlar, Pınar Gayip,  R.İhsan Eliaçık,  Reyhan Hacıoğlu, Ruhan Mavruk,  Sabri Ejder Öziç,  Serhad Raşa,  Serpil Kemalbay, Sevda Karaca, Sevim Eren, Sezai Temelli, Sibel Özbudun, Mehmet Ali Çelebi,  Menderes Samancılar, Metin Coşkun, Mikail Aslan, Mikail Değirmenci, Murat Çepni, Musa Ağacık, Musa Özuğurlu,  Musa Piroğlu, Mustafa Aslan, Muzaffer Gezer, Mürüvet Küçük,  Nadiye Gürbüz, Nalan Çelik, Nazım Alpman, Songül Bulur,  Suat Kaya, Suavi, Sultan Eylem Keleş, Süreyya Karacabey, Şanar Yurdatapan, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Şenel Gökçe,  Şükrü Erbaş,  Taner Güven, Temel Demirer, Tolga Sağ, Turgut Dedeoğlu, Turgut Öker, Tülay Yıldırım Ede, Umut Taştan,  Vural Arher, Yadigar Aygün, Yakup Akdemir, Yalçın Dönmez,  Yasemin Göksu, Yaşar Gündem, Yeşim Tükel, Yıldırım Kaya, Zeynel Aba, Zeynep Kuray, Zülfü Livaneli.”

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