BEKSAV Co-Chair: Kurdish and socialist artists prevented from meeting with public

ISTANBUL – Stating that Kurdish and socialist artists are being isolated and intimidated through the policy of isolation, Co-Chair of BEKSAV Canan Kaplan said: "They are prevented from meeting with the public." 
In Turkey, where freedom of expression and thought is under great pressure, all those who question and criticize are targeted by the government. During its 22 years in power, the AKP has known those who are not partisan as enemies, and culture and arts have been among those who have been affected by the AKP's "monism" policies. While Kurdish theater, music, books, novels and various artistic productions in Kurdish were banned, Kurdish, socialist and opposition artists who shed light on the problems of society faced a judicial clampdown. 
In addition to detentions and arrests, the government, which has put the "enemy law" into effect, has carried out "isolation from state facilities", "targeting", "insulting the president" lawsuits and "lynch campaigns". Canan Kaplan, Co-Chair of the Science Education Aesthetic Culture and Arts Research Foundation (BEKSAV), spoke about the experiences of Kurdish and socialist artists in particular and the struggle against them. 
Stating that revolutionary and oppositional artists who touch the basic problems of the people with their works have always faced attacks and isolation practices, Kaplan cited Nazım Hikmet, Yılmaz Güney and Gülten Akın as examples. Drawing attention to the assassination of reputations today, Kaplan said: "For example, there are assassinations such as throwing away all of Yılmaz Güney's accumulated knowledge because of the mistakes he made in the past with women. Yes, he made certain mistakes, but he himself later admitted these mistakes and transformed himself through this. At the same time, since he had a consistent stance on the Kurdish issue, he was subjected to accusations from time to time by some reactionary foci and unfortunately also by some progressive foci. Therefore, we stand against and embrace the understanding that accepts a person who feeds on such an idealistic philosophy as a stable being in a status quoist way." 
Noting that especially Kurdish and socialist artists are being isolated and intimidated, Kaplan reminded that the screening of the film "Pride" by the Cinema Collective of BEKSAV was banned by the Kadıköy District Governorate and lawsuits were filed against its members. 
Emphasizing that these policies of isolation and isolation also continue in CHP-affiliated municipalities, "While a more moderate policy was carried out by CHP members for a certain period, now almost none of the socialist institutions and Kurdish artists are given a hall by either metropolitan or district municipalities. Here, socialists and Kurds are prevented from meeting with the public. There is such an isolation. Unfortunately, we are having serious problems to break this isolation policy. We try to publish the artworks we produce in our own magazine, but due to the monopolization of distribution networks, we cannot enter the networks. Therefore, we have to distribute them by hand or by cargo. This is also an issue of isolation that needs to be overcome. Apart from that, as socialist artists, we give concerts at rallies and perform theater plays. The content of these can often be the subject of discussion and investigation. Grup Vardiya gave a concert in Nurhak last year. The soloists of the group were investigated for 'praising terrorism' on the grounds that they commemorated revolutionary leaders at that concert. But against all these isolation and intimidation policies, we care about being on the streets more, meeting with the public more, being together with the oppressed, marginalized and segments" Kaplan said.
Stating that art is a good tool for conveying the desired message, reaching places where politics cannot penetrate, Kaplan emphasized the importance of organization. Stating that artists today can only come together through various declarations and calls, Kaplan said: “For example, we came together with many artists in a comprehensive manner in the declaration of ‘Let’s Be a Voice for Peace’. I think our most important duties in this regard are to produce more from a place that will contribute to the women’s freedom struggle and to take more roles and initiatives regarding the Kurdish issue, the freedom and demands of the Kurdish people. Another duty of socialists is to shout out the troubles and realities of the class they are in more loudly. While the hunger and poverty crisis is deepening right now, socialists also need to raise their objections especially on this issue. For example; Tiyatro İmge currently has a play called ‘Erwin Motor’, which tells the harassment and difficulties experienced by a working woman. Written by a French author, this play is a good narrative of poverty and class. That's why we try to find and choose every work or play that tells the troubles of our people. We think this is another criterion that socialist and patriotic artists should pay attention to."
MA / Ömer İbrahimoğlu