Jineolojî covers 'Bashur' in its new issue

NEWS CENTER - Jineolojî Magazine took its 31st issue on the shelves with the file subject "Başur". 
Jineolojî Magazine's 31st issue was published with the file subject "Bashur". The last part of the Kurdistan series, in which Rojhilat, Bakur and Rojava files were prepared and shared, emphasizes the following about the Başur file: "Başur continues to harbor a great women's resistance with both what we know and what we do not know. Although the legacy of resistance from the past has been tried to collapse with great attacks, today it continues to revive with all its flowing veins and play the role of a touchstone in revealing women's history." 
The latest issue of the magazine also includes an article written by Nagihan Akarsel, a member of the Academy of Jineolojî and member of the editorial board of the magazine, who was murdered in the city of Sulaymaniyah, during her research on the sociology of women.  
The titles of the articles in the magazine are as follows:
* South Revolution is a Women's Revolution-Gelawej Şarbajêr
* Understanding a Cross-Section of History through Viyan's Pen-Leyla Wali Hussein
* Sociology of Kurdish Society in the South of Kurdistan and the Bahdinan Region - Zozan Salih Al Yusufi
* How to Find Our Lost History-Kelsum Husen
* The Resistance of Memory against Forgetting: Enfal- Fatma Koçak
* Women Peshmerga from Margret Geoge Shello to Today - Rojbin Ekin
* "Anti-Nomadic" Strategies of Authoritarian Regimes, Settler Colonialism
* Internalization against Women in Kurdistan - Kaziwa Salih
* Occupation and its shadows in Bashûr- Najibe Qeredaxî
* Defeating the King of Wars - Xanê Anuş
* A Panoramic View of Southern Kurdistan through the Eyes of a Woman - Nurhaq Gulbahar
* Self-Immolation: A Rising Cry and a Response to the Devaluation of Women - Hevin Kemal Shah Mohammed
* A Vibrant Society is a Society Deeply Committed to Education - Sinu^r Rehman
* Reproduction of Images of Women in Media -Şirin Tahir
* A People's Journey Despite the Embargo: Maxmur- Berwar Avent
* Free Women's Intervention for National Unity - Nilüfer Koç
* A Philosophy School in Southern Kurdistan - Nagihan Akarsel