'Freedom' protest of risoners on its 186th day

NEWS CENTER – Political prisoners in prisons protest to demand the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan continues.
Political prisoners in prisons have been protesting for months, demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue. Political prisoners were started a rotating hunger strike on November 27, 2023 and took their actions to a new stage as of April 4. Accordingly, prisoners who will boycott the courts by not attending hearings also will not to see their families or phone calls.
The prisoners described the new stage of their action as follows: "Our hunger strike action has shown the need to evolve into a new stage as of April 4, the birthday of our Leader (Ocalan). As prisoners, we are a country whose racist, discriminatory and fascist features are highly exposed, and when it comes to the Kurdish reality, they do not even recognize their own laws. Our decision to boycott incoming colonial courts and not to go on weekly phone calls and family visits. Starting from April 4, we will launch our 'Freedom for Leader Apo, Democratic Solution to the Kurdish Issue' move with the motto of 'Living under the same conditions as our Leader'. We want it to be known that we will continue with boycotts."