Salih Muslim: Turkey wants to sabotage the elections


NEWS CENTER - Salih Muslim, who said that Turkey has been trying to sabotage the election with its attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria in recent days, said: "Our people will go to the ballot boxes without taking a step back."

After the announcement that local government elections will be held on June 11 in the Northern and Eastern Syria Democratic Autonomous Region, Turkey's attacks on the region increased. 4 members of the Democratic Syrian Forces (QSD) lost their lives in the attacks carried out yesterday. 11 civilians, including women and children, were injured.
Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-chair Salih Muslim evaluated Turkey's attacks to Fırat News Agency (ANF). 
Stating that the elections in Northern and Eastern Syria will be held in a transparent environment, “The election will be held in order to further strengthen public service activities. There have been some glitches so far. It will be a democratic election in which the people living in the region will participate. There will be no appointment, it will be a local election based on the principles of democracy. The choices to be made have nothing to do with anyone and it is not right to retreat elsewhere. Powers that do not embrace democracy, especially Turkey and the Syrian regime, do not want the people to choose their own will, to govern themselves and to strengthen their service activities. This will be the first time such an election will be held across Northern and Eastern Syria. For this reason, some inconveniences occur. In addition, the requirements of the Social Contract are implemented. For this reason, no group has the right to say anything about the elections to be held. Our people will happily go to the ballot boxes" Müslim said. 
ABD Dış İlişkiler Bakanı Sözcü Yardımcısı’nın açıklamalarına dikkati çeken Müslim, “Açıklamada BM’nin iki bin 254 nolu kararına göre, Kuzey ve Doğu Suriye’de böylesi imkânların oluşmadığı belirtiliyor. Neden böylesi bir açıklama yaptılar? Türkiye’nin gündeminde ve olayı farklı yerlere çektiklerinden ötürü böylesi bir açıklama yapıldı. Bütün Ortadoğu ülkelerinde gergin bir atmosfer var. Türkiye’nin ne yapacağı belli değildir. Türkiye günlerdir herkese seçimlerin arkasında ‘ABD var’ söylemini yutturmaya çalışıyor. Türkiye’nin tepkileri ardından bu şekilde bir açıklama yapmış olabilirler. Diplomatik bir söylem ve Türkiye’yi kışkırtmamak amaçlıdır. Kuzey ve Doğu Suriye, kendi koşullarına göre seçimlere gidiyor. Kimsenin desteğini almadan, kimseye danışmadan böylesi bir seçim gerçekleşiyor” diye belirtti. 
Pointing to the attacks that developed after the US statement, “Turkey has been against these elections from the beginning. It is against the will of the people and democracy. It is doing its best to prevent the will, democracy, justice, equality and brotherhood of peoples from being established in Northern and Eastern Syria. Whenever a step towards democracy is taken in the region, they certainly oppose it. I think the attacks have nothing to do with the US statement. There has been an attack that has been going on for years. Especially with the realization of the Social Contract, levels of intolerance increased" Muslim said.
Muslim continued his words as follows: “Turkey is carrying out its attacks with the aim of sabotaging the elections and preventing the people from going to the ballot boxes by intimidating them. Turkey will do its best to prevent the elections from taking place. There is tremendous intolerance towards elections. But the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria will definitely hold these elections. Our people will go to the ballot boxes without stepping back and elect their representatives with their will."