Citizens on roads for 'Freedom' rally

  • actual
  • 12:07 13 October 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Those who want to attend the “Freedom” rally to be held in Amed are prevented by the police in many cities. Blockages are being protested in gathering areas. 
A rally will be organized in Amed (Diyarbakır) today to demand the ending of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, his physical freedom and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. Those who set out for the rally with the slogan “We resist against the conspiracy, we meet in Amed for freedom” faced police obstacles in many cities. 
People on their way from Dêrsim (Tunceli) for the rally were stopped by the police. The police obstruction in Trüşmek was met with reaction. Citizens protested the situation by honking their horns. 
Hundreds of people from central Şirnex (Şırnak) and Elkê (Beytüşşebap), Qileban (Uludere), Hezex (İdil), Basa (Güçlükonak), Silopi (Silopi) and Cizîr (Cizre) districts set out for the rally. Citizens wearing local clothes gathered at party buildings. Citizens set off with applause, shouts and slogans. 
Hundreds of people from the central Karaköprü district of Riha (Urfa) wanted to set out for the rally in Amed. The party members faced police obstruction. Party members protested the situation on the road. The masses, including DEM Party Riha MP Ferit Şenyaşar, continue to wait with songs performed by Hozan Reşat.
In Wan (Van), hundreds of people gathered at İpek Park in Rêya Armûşê (İpekyolu) district. The crowd, including MPs and co-mayors of the municipality, stopped to dance to songs in the park. While the women's colorful local clothes attracted attention, slogans such as “Bîjî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)” and “Bê Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)” were frequently chanted from the park. The enthusiasm in the park is increasing with each passing minute.
Those who wanted to set out from Pîran (Dicle) district of Amed also faced police obstacles. The police blockaded the DEM Party building. Vehicles waiting there were not allowed to leave. The mass set off in private vehicles. However, they were once again stopped at the exit of the city. Those who want to attend the rally are still waiting. 
Many people from Dîlok (Antep) were stopped outside the city. Citizens went to the DEM Party building and made a statement. “Our struggle for freedom and peace will continue until democracy, rights and law come to this country, until the dungeons are emptied. Our hearts are in Amed” said Provincial Co-Chair Mehmet Satan.  
DEM Party members on their way from Çewlîg (Bingöl) were stopped at the Kurudere exit. Dem Party MP Ömer Faruk Hülakü, among others, reacted to the situation and started a sit-in protest. Citizens' resistance continues.