PJAK Co-Chair Muini: Demonstrations must continue until victory

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  • 14:19 21 October 2022
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that the people of Iran and Rojihat are seeking freedom, PJAK Co-chair Siyamend Muini said: “We want pro-democracy forces to work on a common front against the totalitarian regime. These demonstrations must continue until victory is achieved."
Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) Co-chair Siamend Muini answered Rojnews' questions about the protest actions that started in Iran and Rojhilat cities after the murder of Jîna Emini. Pointing to the Iranian regime's attitude towards dissidents, Muini said: "Dictatorship and conservative systems have their own truth, and they are built on the rejection of different ideas with a narrow mindset. These systems are generally against all kinds of social and personal freedom. They do not accept any door to freedom. The Islamic Republic of Iran has approached the Iranian people with this consciousness and military mentality, and has maintained a male-dominated system. It is natural to make such a description of Iran's sectarian fascist government. This government has never tried to find a solution. Therefore, different classes and groups in Iran have Protest demonstrations that were constantly organised by the segments.”
Expressing that the recent protests in Iran are different from the previous ones, Muini said: "It can be defined as the beginning of a renaissance of consciousness and ideas in terms of Iran and the region. As we can understand from the slogans and the method, the previous demonstrations were either class or regional in nature or were organised against the centralist mentality of the nation-state. There was no commonality between the societies of Iran and Kurdistan. The demonstrations started this time under the leadership of Kurdish women in Eastern Kurdistan. The people used the revolutionary slogan 'Jin, jiyan, azadi'. This slogan gathered all forces and parties against the Iranian regime around them. The source of this slogan chanted across Iran is Eastern Kurdistan. This means that Kurdistan can be the center and pioneer of the democratic and libertarian revolution in all of Iran."
Noting that the Iranian peoples want "to overthrow the totalitarian, fascist and sectarian regime", Muini said: "Each component and nation has its own demands. However, if we evaluate the issue from a sociological and political perspective, we see that there are many common points between all components and nations in Iran. One of the common points is the demand for the abolition of the totalitarian, fascist and sectarian regime in Iran. The pressures of power in Iran have reached a level that will interfere with the lives of all people and even determine the way women dress and wear their headscarves. It sees it as a matter of security and danger for its own power. It does not allow any freedom. It silences everyone who is against the regime with the excuse of 'the disintegration of Iran.' As PJAK, we have presented many projects in the past years. However, the demands of the people of Eastern Kurdistan were not taken into account by the authorities. For this reason, Iran Alki, especially the Kurdish people in Eastern Kurdistan, are looking for an opportunity to achieve freedom.”
Expressing his opinions on how they want a solution in Iran, Muini said: "The Islamic Republic of Iran, with its sectarian and fascist point of view, does not allow democracy to solve the problems in Iran. They cannot tolerate even their former allies after 40 years. Most of them were purged, killed or imprisoned. As for the Kurdish question, this system approaches the Kurdish question from both a security and a sectarian fascist perspective. Therefore, it is a historical mistake to expect democracy from this system. As we have said before, there is no possibility of change and reform in this government. Therefore, reform and change are not possible in this period. Making changes means that this regime has been overthrown and the power has changed. PJAK has projects for this period. We have been working on two main projects since 2016. One for Eastern Kurdistan and the other for Eastern Kurdistan. For all Iran, pro-democracy forces unite against this totalitarian regime. We want them to work on the front."
Stating that the slogan of "jin, jiyan, azadi" gathered all different forces around him as a basic slogan throughout Iran, Muini continued as follows: "The Kurds were the pioneers in this revolt. It is time to take advantage of this. Most of the components in Iran are in Kurdistan. It is very important that this leadership continues. The future should be considered on the same basis. Kurdistan can lead the people's revolution at this stage. However, it is important to strengthen the unity in Eastern Kurdistan and maintain its place in the uprising until this uprising is victorious. Until these demonstrations are victorious "It is important that it continues. We, as PJAK, have fought for our people since the first day. We will continue to stand by our people and the peoples who demand freedom in Iran with all our might until we achieve victory."

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