November 26 balance sheet from the SDF

  • actual
  • 14:45 27 November 2022
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NEWS CENTER - SDF announced the balance sheet of Turkey's attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria on November 26.
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Press Center announced the balance sheet of Turkey's attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria on November 26. In the statement, it was underlined that great material damage occurred on the lands of service institutions and citizens due to artillery and tank attacks.
SDF's  Media Center stated
" For the eighth day in a row, the Turkish occupation continues its aggressions against the regions of NE Syria, using warplanes, artillery, and tanks, causing significant material damage to civilian facilities and people’s farms and properties. These aggressions are a clear and obvious crime against humanity committed deliberately and repeatedly by the occupation.
The following is the additional outcome of the November 25th aggressions and the November 26th outcome:
An additional outcome of November 25, 2022: 
Al Jazera Region:
A- Tal Tamr:
The villages targeted: Um al-Kaif, al-Kuzaliya, al-Dardara, al-Tawila, and um al-Tawil.
Weapons used: more than 15 heavy artillery shells.
B- Zarghan:
The villages targeted: Tal al-Ward, al-Asadiya, and Bubi.
Weapons used: 6 heavy artillery shells, in addition to DShK weapons.
2 – Euphrates Region:
A- Kobane:
The villages and towns targeted: Al-Ziyara, Zour Maghar, Tal Ahmed Mounir, Kuran, Kharb Baysan, and the town of Al-Shuyoukh Fawqani.
Weapons used: 12 mortar shells.
B- Gri Spi / Tal Abyad:
The villages targeted: Al-Hoshan, Avduka, Sufyan, and Tal Khan.
Weapons used: heavy artilleries, mortars, and tanks.
C – Raqqa:
The villages targeted: Al-Fatsa” in the Ain Issa countryside.
 Weapons used: 10 artillery shells.
D – Manbij:
The village of Qurt Wiran was targeted with two artillery shells.
3 – Deir al-Zor Region:
A – Al-Shadadi:
The town of al-Shaddadi was subjected to 3 Katyusha rockets.
The outcome of November 26:
1 – Afrin and Al-Shahba Region:
The villages and towns targeted: Shawargha, Tannab, Tat Marrash, Al-Malikiyah, Maranaz, Al-Alqamiya, Mayassa, Soganke, Binh/Ibin, Aqiba, Quneitra, Tal Enab, Samuqah, Tal Al-Madiq, Sheikh Issa, Beiloniya, Menng, Tal Hajjar, Ziwan, Sha’ala, Al-Shahba Dam, and the town of Tal Rif’at.
Weapons used: more than 311 artillery shells, 117 mortar shells, and 5 tank shells.
In the village of Tal al-Madiq, the Turkish-backed mercenaries attempted to launch an attack.
The villages of Shawargha and Menng were targeted by warplanes.
2 – Al Jazira Region:
A- Tal Tamir:
The villages targeted: Aboush, Sheikh Ali, Dardara, Al-Kuzliya, and Tal Al-Laban.
Weapons used: 11 artillery shells.
B- Zarghan:
The villages targeted: Tal al-Ward, Khirbet al-Sha'air, Raba'at, al-Zuhairiya, Bobi, al-Asadiya, and Wadi Kur.
Weapons used: 15 artillery shells, 3 mortar shells, and Doshka weapons.
In the early morning hours, the Turkish-backed mercenaries mobilized in the village of Abdul Hai in an attempt to launch an attack on our areas, however, our forces launched an attack on them at about 4.30 a.m., killing two mercenaries and wounding six others.
C – Derik:
The villages targeted: Ain Diwar, Kharaz Rashek, and the Simalka crossing.
Weapons used: heavy artillery shelling.
3 – Euphrates Region:
A- Kobane:
The villages and towns targeted: Gharib, Bayada, Chariqli, Ziyara, Qaramog, Zorava, Zor Maghar, Kulteb, Jishan, Saftak, Al-Iza’a, Mazra’at Dawood, and the town of Al-Shuyukh Fawqani.
Weapons used: heavy artillery and mortar shells.
Casualties: One soldier of the Damascus Government forces was injured in the Charqli village.
B- Gri Spi / Tal Abyad:
The villages targeted: Avdoka, al-Debs, Al-Hoshan, Khan, Qartal, and Ain Issa camp.
Weapons used: mortars and DShk weapons.
C – Ain Issa:
The village of Al-Fatsa was subjected to 5 artillery shells.
D – Manbij:
The villages targeted: Qurt Wiran, al-Tukhar, and Tal al-Hamam.
Weapons used: 7 mortar shells and 4 heavy artillery shells.
E– Al-Terwaziya:
The towns of Um al-Baramil and al-Kantari were shelled with 6 tank shells.

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